Tag Archives: ranking factor

Authorship Markup – New Ranking Signal

​Google makes use of the Authorship as a Ranking Signal as well as intends to writing the web content using authorship markup. The fact is this feature also campaigns the Google Profile, to improve the Google+ user experience.

Few words from the statements of Google,

Here are the basic steps:

1. Find your Google Profile

2. Add “?rel=author” on the end of your Google Profile URL

3. Wrap that in an a tag – <a href=”that url here”

4. Google wants you to use something like “+Matt Cutts” as the anchor text.

5. Insert that on your article, and point your Google Profile back to the site

“If I can’t control the attributes, I can still add a link to this special URL,” says Cutts, and it’s really as simple as that.

Cross-Selling Techniques to get better Search Rankings and increased Sales

The Topic lies in facilitating the modernization of balancing, new and bundled products for both customers and search engine robots. Cross selling in your product copy is an inspired way to build new links and work keywords into content at the same time also increasing sales amongst people who have already found their way to your site.

Customers always tend to have multiple needs in their lives. Once they’ve made it to your website, half the work is done. By noticeably representing that you can meet more than one of their needs, you are opening a door to doing more business with an already-won client.

Bundling, a Cross Selling technique, can both cross-sell multiple products and, in a few cases, even create a semantic relationship in search engines to other products. A general cross-selling technique is to bundle a number of related products together and then drop the price below what the total would be if purchased separately. The customer sees enhanced value and gets introduced to other products he or she may have otherwise not purchased, all while raising the average order.

Though the potential for increased sales should be sufficient to convince you to try rewriting some of your product content with this in mind, don’t miss the potential boost in terms of keywords and links either. Internal linking is an often overlooked search engine optimization tactic with small business sites. A lot of these sites are liable to focus on gaining links to the home page, but forget about digging for those deep links to product pages.

If your products are interrelated, build some interesting copy around them and cross link them from within the product description. Do it healthy and you’ll find yourself working in new keywords, building links and increasing sales.

Furthermore, the number of internal links factors in to the ranking equation. So a page with only one internal category-level link isn’t liable to fare as well as one that obtains many such links. An added ranking factor is the underlined text of the links spotting to the page – and that’s true whether it’s an internal link or an inbound link. This is called “anchor text.” Linking with relevant anchor text will generate semantic relationships between your products – an excellent object for SEO. Interlinking product pages can build a powerful semantic bundle.