Category Archives: Tips and Tricks

How to Keep Stay with your .com Domain for Blogger

Whenever you have created a blog using blogger, while publishing it will redirect you to your country specific domain instead of .com. To avoid this country specific domain extension redirect, follow the below steps.

  • Go to your Blogger Dashboard
  • Select Template section
  • Now, Click the “Edit HTML”
  • Then, copy-paste the following code after the tag into the HTML template.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var blog = document.location.hostname.split(“.”);
if (blog[blog.length – 1] != “com”) {
var ncr = “http://”+ blog[0] + “”;
window.location.replace(ncr + document.location.pathname);


Note: In the above code, put a space before + blog[0], if it is not working properly.

Authorship Markup – New Ranking Signal

​Google makes use of the Authorship as a Ranking Signal as well as intends to writing the web content using authorship markup. The fact is this feature also campaigns the Google Profile, to improve the Google+ user experience.

Few words from the statements of Google,

Here are the basic steps:

1. Find your Google Profile

2. Add “?rel=author” on the end of your Google Profile URL

3. Wrap that in an a tag – <a href=”that url here”

4. Google wants you to use something like “+Matt Cutts” as the anchor text.

5. Insert that on your article, and point your Google Profile back to the site

“If I can’t control the attributes, I can still add a link to this special URL,” says Cutts, and it’s really as simple as that.

Important Google Links for your Website benefit

To Demote Sitelinks and to submite site for reconsideration go to Google Webmasters Tools

Remove a page or site from Google’s search results

Report scraper pages to avoid them rank above you

Think you’re affected by the recent algorithm change? Post here.
