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36 Tips for Businesses that Seek Profit from Twitter

  1. We could announce and give out information to deals and sale items. Example,!/amazontechdealsAnother example, “It’s officially Free Phone Friday!! Check out the phones and/or order online here: via @Coral_BestBuy”​
  2. Seperate profile for seperate products. Announce and give out information to deals for that particular product.
  3. The more active we are on Twitter the more likely we are to have someone find us from within Twitter and start following. Every Tweet will be displyed on the Twitter Public Timeline – so upping the Tweets can help have you appear more often there.
  4. Be a Problem Solver and have Conversation with others. Participate in other relevant people’s Tweets also – reply to their questions and ideas as much as possible. 
  5. If the conversation continues, it is wise to use Direct Message option.
  6. Interact with people about situations that may require additional help on issues that is related to our product. it may leads to goodwill and to sales.
  7. Engaging in conversation and listening to what users are saying. Share information and answer questions.
  8. Serving up industry information to Twitter community, quickly increased the following, and a steady flow of re-tweets, which encouraged community interaction.
  9. Let the existing customers follow our Twitter Community and stikr up conversation which builds brand loyalty and motivate others to follow up.
  10. ​Interconnect your other social media profiles/acitivites with twitter.​
  11. Provide something useful to people (information, entertainment, news, education etc) they probably won’t follow you for long.
  12. Tweeting in Peak Times gives more adds.
  13. Relevant questions will draw many followers into an active engagement with our profile.
  14. Tweeting the best news and information about the brand/product/company.
  15. Auto Tweet Blog posts
  16. Utilize applications twitpic, tweetdeck, digsby, twitterholic, etc.
  17. Customized Profile Page background which visualizes/exposes the product or brand.
  18. Retweet the relevant posts made by others (if it is related to our product/business or official tweets from the employees)
  19. Set up an auto inspirational welcome message  via Direct Message.​​​​
  20. Sharing valuable information, tips, tricks and so on.
  21. Engage Users by asking feedback, opinion and reactions.
  22. Promote videos on twitter using twitvid, twidiko, vidly applications.
  23. Sharing events happening around our products/company. For example, Eventbrite Improves Event Sharing With Twitter’s New Tweet Button.
  24. Involve helpful communication with the follower whom we may convert as a buyer later on.
  25. Utilize Nabbit on Twitter. They’ve taken Twitter and made it work for both interaction and integration by generating a tweet with every nabb. Register business with Nabbit.
  26. Mission statement on Twitter. Example,!/Namecheap – We thrive customers happy.
  27. Using Twitter to help customer service reach a large audience effectively.​
  28. Update the Profile Images that expose branding/offers/events and so on. Example,!/MTV
  29. Use Twitter Analytics Tools available online to track Twitter to anlyze user behavior and statistics. Example, TweetScan (Allows you to set up an alert to be emailed every time there are tweets matching your keywords), Twist (offers trends of keywords or product name, based what Twitter users are tweeting about), Twitalyzer and so on.
  30. Sharing updates on new products/updates. 
  31. Create Alerts, Set and Send reminders. Use Twitter in a variety of ways ,alert followers to particularly creative products from Etsy sellers, share valuable tips and tricks, and provide information about upcoming events and promotions on the site.​ Refer:,
  32. Follow the Coffee Grounds Method by asking and introducing our brand to Target geniune Customers. CoffeGround began to ask its followers to “come into the store and ask for J.R.” This gave the oppurtunity to meet with every patron who asked for him, thus strengthening the bond with his followers.
  33. Track users mentioning our product or relevant issues/tweets and turn their comments into conversations.
  34. Start conversations with target users related to business which is also helpful for them.
  35. Finding out what customers exactly wanted and tweeting it.
  36. As well we could use Twitter also for Voice Calls (Concept Introduced in 2009) so as to contact the target users. Refer,,,


Examples – Companies getting increased ROI via Twitter,


Dell – $3 M revenue only from twitter


Teusner Wines

Coffee Groundz ​

25 successful companies on Twitter –

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