Tag Archives: facebook

Facebook is going to introduce Frictionless Sharing

Facebook”s new Frictionless Sharing for content engagement, Increased Traffic, visibility, and so on.

Frictionless sharing is going to be powerful. When a visitor comes to your blog or website, if they’ve enabled access, Facebook will automatically post your content on that user’s wall. No more clicking the Like button. No more copying and pasting links. He visits your site and it shows up on his wall.

But what about the Privacy Concern:

On September 29, 2011, a set of advocacy groups asked the Federal Trade Commission to ban Facebook’s Frictionless Sharing feature that allows automatic sharing of news articles and other information after user access.

The letter to the FTC from those groups denotes:

Facebook’s tracking of post-log-out Internet activity violates both the reasonable expectations of consumers and the company’s own privacy statements. Although Facebook has partially fixed the problem caused by its tracking cookies, the company still places persistent identifiers on users’ browsers that collect post-log-out data and could be used to identify users. “Frictionless sharing” plays a leading role in the changes Facebook announced at the recent F8 development conference, and works through the interaction of Facebook’s Ticker, Timeline, and Open Graph. These changes in business practices give the company far greater ability to disclose the personal information of its users to its business partners than in the past. Options for users to preserve the privacy standards they have established have become confusing, impractical, and unfair.

Source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20113457-281/groups-ask-feds-to-ban-facebooks-frictionless-sharing/

Also, Read the Pros and Cons here: http://www.pcworld.com/article/240592/facebooks_frictionless_sharing_a_privacy_guide.html

Facebook F8 Conference: Next Version of Open Graph

Facebook Announced Today at f8

The company announced that all kinds of music, video, news, game and lifestyle apps will be taking advantage of the new open graph, and these will be integrated into not only the news feed, but the new ticker and the timeline. Apps will cater to all kinds of actions, beyond the “like”. You will see when people are listening to music, watching videos, reviewing restaurants and all kinds of stuff.
Businesses will need to build their web presence with the Open Graph in mind. Moving forward, Facebook-enabled websites will become an essential piece of lasting success in the digital space. Content dissemination will occur more often and be more relevant to users, and applications will take on many new forms.

What Facebook’s Open Graph Means for Your Businesshttp://mashable.com/2010/05/05/facebook-open-graph-business/